Friday, December 05, 2008

Bail Out

I own a Ford...

If most Americans choose to buy foreign cars...because they are free to do so, why would the BIG 3 get our money anyway??? Why or How could this happen? I don't like your product but regardless, you will get my money. In return, what do we get...not cars, we obviously don't want their cars. Hyundai is doing fine, Toyota, Audi ect...this is a Joke! Hyundai provides and creates plenty American jobs. Shouldn't they have a right to profit?


peculiarwit said...

Good point, manhawk. The bailout is not so much for the "American" auto industry, but the the UAW, which causes labor costs almost double for the Big Three than what they are for the Toyotas and Hondas produced here in the U.S.

manhawk75 said...

absolutely...this is why so many workers left detroit for alabama, plenty of "auto work" there...