Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Other Ground Zero Mosque

The Other Ground Zero Mosque: "


The other Ground Zero mosque is not in New York. The other Ground Zero mosque is in Shanksville at the site where a group of American heroes, upon hearing from their loved ones that their plane was not being hijacked but being used as a missile by Muslim terrorists to take out the Capital or the White House, seized control of the aircraft in a life and death struggle. They saved the nation's capital but not themselves.

How is their courage and sacrifice being rewarded? With a huge crescent ...... "of embrace." It is an outrage.

I have blogged many times on the Flight 93 Islamic Crescent Memorial. but the media blackout was overwhelming. Perhaps with a nation roused from its slumber by the Ground Zero mega mosque, the Islamic Crescent memorial will get the attention and rebuke it so richly deserves.

With the heightened attention on the proposed mosque at Ground Zero,
it’s time equal scrutiny, exposure, and awareness be brought to the giant
outdoor mosque being built in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Videos exposing the
travesty taking place, almost silently, at the memorial site are below. It’s
time for Americans to get educated, speak up, contact your
elected officials
, and stand up for America and those murdered by Muslims in
the name of Islam!

Also read the letter
Tom Burnett, Sr. wrote to the American people and was published at Atlas Shrugs, that included this:

We too need your help; we need to stop the
National Park Service building another mosque in Shanksville. PA.

I served on the 2005 2nd jury that was
commissioned to select a design honoring the passengers and crew on Flight 93.
The public submitted over 1100 designs. The first jury went through those 1100
designs and selected 5 designs that were presented to the 2nd jury.

When I saw Crescent of Embrace, I immediately saw
the Islamic symbols. I spoke out against the design and explained my reasons to
the other members of the jury. The vote was taken, 9 for the Crescent of Embrace
and 6 against that design. That vote was not unanimous.

There were 4 excellent designs left; there was
absolutely no reason to select a design that even suggested Islamic symbols.

I knew that the public would agree with me when
they saw the Crescent of Embrace design. They did, but our government would not
listen or investigate our claims. All of our letters ended up in the same hands,
the National Park Service. We can’t give up; we must stop this mosque being
built in Shanksville, as well as the one in New York.

Other mosque features:

Mosque design is based on a dozen typical mosque
features, every one of which is realized in the Crescent/Circle design, all on
the same epic scale as the half mile wide crescent-mihrab. Note, for instance,
that the 93 foot tall minaret-like Tower of Voices is topped with another
Islamic-shaped crescent, akin to the crescent-topped minarets seen in many
Islamic countries:

An Islamic shaped crescent, soaring in the sky above the symbolic lives of
the 40 heroes, which literally dangle down below. In Islam, there is only heaven
and hell. Symbolic damnation?

The Flight 93 mosque needs to be stopped, along with the Islamic victory
mosque at ground zero in Manhattan. May the fight against these two desecrations
strengthen each other.


Tom Burnett Senior
Loving father of Flight 93 hero Tom Burnett Junior

Contact information for the Flight 93 Memorial
Project here.

If you would like to help stop the crescent mosque, please email Alec Rawls
( who is helping to coordinate opposition.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Radical Ground Zero Mosque Imam: Obama’s Cairo Speech to Muslim World Came From Me

Radical Ground Zero Mosque Imam: Obama’s Cairo Speech to Muslim World Came From Me: "

Well that’s just swell.

The radical imam who said the US is worse than Al-Qaeda, boasted to reporters last year that he provided the blue print for Obama’s apology speech to the Muslim world.

In his June 2009 speech Obama apologized for America and for imposing democracy in the Muslim World.

Special Guests reported:

The Shoebat Foundation has obtained a shocking audio recording of Rauf’s own voice boasting in Arabic that Obama’s historic speech in Cairo was provided by the Imam’s work with the Cordova Initiative in what the Imam called “The Blue Print” which, according to him, was the solution to the Islamic-American divide. Rauf claimed that Chapter 6 of the Imam’s work engineered by the Cordova Initiative was the construct for the entire speech:

“This is an example of the impact of our work in a positive way to be used by the President.”

“The blue print,” Rauf elaborated, included everything from U.S. policy to Jewish and Christian relations with Muslims.

For an Imam in New York to be involved in the orchestrating U.S. foreign policy is quite the claim. In the recording dated February 5th, 2010 Rauf boasted that:

“We have to look at it [as] how to engineer solutions. At the Cordova Initiative we think of ourselves as an engineering shop. Yes. We have an analytical approach. Our work has been that. IN THE BOOK CHAPTER 6, I WROTE ABOUT THIS BLUE PRINT as to WHAT HAS TO BE DONE BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, what has to be done by the Jewish community, what has to be done by the Christian community, what has to be done by the Muslim community, what has to be done by educators, what has to be done by the media. For example, IN MY BOOK IN THE ARABIC VERSION page 293, what did I write? WHAT ARE THE THINGS THAT THE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO DO. IF YOU EXAMINE THIS CHAPTER YOU WILL FIND THAT THE OBAMA SPEECH IN CAIRO WAS ALL TAKEN FROM THIS SECTION [Section 6]. When you do a job that is very complicated. You ask yourself, what have you accomplished. All these problems can be solved but requires the will to solve it. It requires political will, resources and the right focus. The signs of how to go to the moon was known 200 years ago, but the political will and financial will for it happened during 1960-1961. When John Kennedy said that we will send an American to the moon before the end of the 60’s, he established the financial resources and the political will.”

The audio is here.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Green Lies are Imploding

Big Green Lies are Imploding:

By Alan Caruba

As World War Two wound down, in 1945 Italian partisans found Benito Mussolini and his girlfriend trying to flee to Switzerland. They shot both of them and then hung them by their heels in the Piazza Loreto in Milan. He had led the National Fascist Party and had been the 40th prime minister from 1922 until being deposed, jailed, and rescued by his pal Adolf Hitler.

I was reminded of this when I read a list of 1970 Earth Day predictions because, sooner or later, lies implode and the liars must be held accountable.

“We have about five more years at the outside to do something”, said Kenneth Watt, an ecologist, when asked about global warming.

“Civilizations will end within 15 to 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,” said George Wald, a Harvard biologist.

“We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” said Barry Commoner, a Washington University biologist.

“Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years,” predicted Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and author, none of whose predictions ever came true.

It’s been 40 years since the first Earth Day.

This, of course, brings us to the greatest serial liar of our era, former vice president Al Gore, author of “Earth in the Balance”, the star of “An Inconvenient Truth”, Nobel Prize winner, Oscar winner, and surely worthy of being metaphorically hung by his heels for general repudiation, disdain, and ignominy.

Steve Milloy of and the GreenHellBlog, reported that Al Gore told a conference call of supporters that the battle to enact a Cap-and-Trade bill, imposing limits on so-called greenhouse gases, and creating “carbon credits” to be bought like medieval indulgences for the remission of sin, that “The federal government has failed us.”

No, what failed was the long, relentless and utterly mendacious campaign to convince people that global warming was an actual event and a genuine threat to the Earth. It never was because it was utter fiction. Well, the part about massive increases in the Earth’s overall temperature was. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old and has gone through a succession of ice ages and warming periods since it began.

To demonstrate how deranged Gore is, he actually blamed a “biased right-wing media…bolstered by professional deniers.” There is The Wall Street Journal and Fox News whose reporting reflects a conservative philosophy and outlook, but the rest of the mainstream media has been so demonstrably left-wing there was little else available to the public until the advent of cable television and the Internet. And they all lied about global warming.

In November 2009 the release of thousands of emails between the small band of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “scientists” revealed they were a cabal of data fabricators who were by then increasingly alarmed that global warming wasn’t happening despite their best efforts to deceive the entire world. The event was dubbed “Climategate.”

Now we learn that a U.S. funded agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has become mired in a new scandal involving numbers for the Great Lakes region that misrepresent average temperatures there. The latest word as of Wednesday, August 11, is that NOAA has removed an entire NOAA-16 satellite data set from its website--leading some to wonder if a decade’s worth of North American data will be discredited.

In sum, do not trust NOAA and most definitely, do not trust the Environmental Protection Agency that is desperately trying to get authorization to regulate carbon dioxide on the grounds that it is causing global warming. This isn’t just a rogue agency. The EPA has the look of a criminal enterprise bent on destroying the U.S. economy.

There is NO global warming and hasn’t been any for a decade as the Earth has been cooling thanks to a predictable lack of sunspot activity known to affect the overall planetary temperatures.

The Green lies are imploding. In the midst of a very ugly recession, the nation’s governors can do us all a favor by ending all funding to the various “environmental” programs tied to the global warming fraud.

The next Congress, if power is transferred to the Republican Party, should begin to trim the budget of billions of bogus “climate” and related “environmental” related programs.

It’s time to send the liars packing. It’s time to regain our fiscal and environmental sanity.

© Alan Caruba, 2010
Alan Caruba blogs daily at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Grinding America Down

Grinding America Down: "

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo.

When Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a “letter to the editor” about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then… he’d hit on something.

Ask almost anyone and you’ll hear, “Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down.” And though the word communism isn’t used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. 

Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It’s not just another conspiracy theory. It’s a well documented agenda.

I’m Curtis Bowers and I made this film because I hoped that once you saw the facts you would realize what I did after researching this topic… what has happened to America hasn’t been an accident. 

Now is the time to get involved before the “Left” accomplishes their goal of destroying the greatest country in ALL world history!

Film website HERE
